Book Review: Red Dirt Christmas (Red Dirt #3.5) by N.R. Walker

Red Dirt Christmas (Red Dirt, #3.5)

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Received: Own ( I literally waited at 12am for this book)
Publication Date: December 11, 2015
Publisher: N.R. Walker.
Point of View: Third Person (Charlie)
Genres & Themes: MM Romance, LGBTQ+, Holiday, Christmas, Novella


Travis had been here at Sutton Station for just over a year. We were technically engaged, not that we’d told anyone. He was happy just knowin’ I’d said yes, and I had some head-clearin’ stuff to work through. Knowing I was good enough for Trav was one thing, but knowing if I was good enough to be a husband and father was somethin’ else entirely.

Life at Sutton Station had never been better. Business was strong, Trudy and Bacon’s little baby, Gracie, was a few weeks old now and as cute as a button, Ma’s health was good, and my relationship with Laura and Sam was in a pretty good place. And Travis? Well, life with him was still all kinds of perfect.

But, to Travis’s dismay, Christmas at the Station was just another day. Another day of getting up before the sun, feeding animals, fixin’ what needed fixin’, and checking water troughs all while tryin’ to keep out of the blistering heat.

And this year weren’t much different. Only that it was Travis’s first Sutton Station Christmas. The fact we didn’t go all out with decorations and celebrations baffled him, and if I was bein’ truthful, it disappointed him too.

Which was why I had to make it a special kind of Christmas…


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Sometimes you don’t know you need something until it’s there staring at you in the face with its lovely cover and beginning you to hold it. And sometimes you don’t know you need to read a christmas story until the author provides you with one.

Red Dirt Heart is one of my favorite M/M series, and I recommend it to everyone I can. In fact, just the other day I was recommending it to someone and later on she goes, “Just like your Australian gays,” and that just made my day, to have a book be connected back to me is the best compliment ever.

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“Where the American guy walks in, all blue eyes and disarming smiles, and my life goes to shit.”

Travis and Charlie are also one my favorite M/M couple and if I could have thousands of one shots about them I would read them until the end of time. N.R. Walker you could just do them for me if you want, I’d buy every single one of them.

Red Dirt Christmas has everything a christmas novella should have: christmas cuddling, nose-nudging cuteness, a biting wombat, an Australian christmas wreath, a christmas miracle, and snake eating traditions and Charlie and Travis hot steamy moments as well as the romantic heart beating out of rhythm moments.

“And Trav?”


I looked over his naked Torso and liked my lips.

“I really do like my presents unwrapped.”

The thing about the Red Dirt Heart Series is that it has a voice of its own. Charlie and his Australian slang makes you fall for him just as hard as Travis and the wombat love him. His this all-around amazing guy and he never sees that for himself, his genuinely that good and rather romantic, though he’d never admit that. He’s also a very humorous and funny guy, long way from who he was before Travis.

As for Travis he’s still that hyperactive guy who turned Charlie’s life on its head.  Together this two make one hot couple. I love their sex scenes, because even when its rather hot and steamy, there’s still a tenderness that goes beyond just the act of two bodies coming together. They give each other completely to the other.

“Can you feel that? Makes my heart go beat itself all outta rhythm.”

This novella was both good and bad, very bittersweet. Because, I had said goodbye to the series, accepted that the end had come, however sad that might be. Then, this shortie came and it has sparked that flame yet again, I want more of Charlie and Travis, of the red dirt if actually fallen in love with. I want to burrow my feet in some red dirt, just like Charlie. N.R. Walker, any chance we can get a valentine novella? (Make 300+ pages, we’ll still call it novella, though)

“Yep. I never want to disappoint you Travis,” I said quietly. “And doin’ stuff to make your partner happy is what being in a relationship is all about yeah?”

I’m not saying go read Red Dirt Christmas, what I’m saying is go devour the entire Red Dirt Heart Series. You will not regret it….well, only that’s the series is complete….or is it?

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Links: Goodreads | Amazon | Twitter | Tumblr| Red Dirt Heart Series

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